This is a special reporting project of this website: special reporting projects serve to reveal and rally, and to become a rallying point and point of reference, for that particular topic.
Shared parenting – which is variably known as joint physical custody or coparenting – refers to a type of parenting after marital separation or divorce. It is the best parenting arrangement for child's psychological development, which in turn affects everything else in the child's development.
As part of this reporting project, this website will be publishing two extensive reports as well as a series of investigative articles and insightful analyses.
One of the reports – called The Science of Share Parenting – has been published. Click on the image below to open the report.
Click here to see a list of all articles published as part of the shared parenting special reportage.
Featured Image Copyright: Feodora -

Report into science of shared parenting and basis of legal presumption
An extensive report into the science of shared parenting has been published. A second report into legislative and institutional reform is being prepared.
Dissemination of report to support science-based decision making
Report published on this website. It will also be presented to key stakeholders.
Series of investigative and analytical articles
This website is working on a series of investigative articles and analyses will be published to reveal all that is wrong with the present system and dynamic. These will include articles about the endemic dysfunctions in the family courts.
Videos on experiences of affected parents and children
Short videos, or video interviews, of experiences - good or bad – of other parents.