The key element in effective or meaningful parenting after marital separation, whether the arrangement is shared parenting or single parenting,…
Earlier this month the government launched for public consultation the long-awaited brief on reform of Family Court and – more…
Four months after UNESCO requested a report in 2015 into how changes in planning policies would protect World Heritage Sites…
UNESCO’s rules designed to protect World Heritage Sites hold that proposed developments in the buffer zone of the sites have…
I am publishing a report on the science of shared parenting after family separation. It can be described as a…
The Chamber of Architects has issued a directive to architects aimed at protecting the setting, or buffer zone, of Ggantija…
Construction on a block of 51 flats and 35 garages situated 350 metres from the cliff’s edge at Ta Cenc…
Analytical PointsLaw: Environment and Planning Review Tribunal Act (Chapter 551)Entity: Environment and Planning Review TribunalComposed: Three members, two architects/planners and…
The Environment and Planning Review Tribunal (EPRT) two weeks ago suspended the commencement of work on a block of 54…
The application for a block of flats that threatens to mar the setting of Ta Kola Windmill, Malta’s most popular…