Widowed and possibly lonely, with her strength ailing and stricken by doubts, the last will of Cosmana Navarra in 1684…
EDITORIAL NOTE: After this article was originally published earlier today, the developer Euchar Vella wrote to point out something along…
The resignation of Education Minister Justyne Caruana now shifts the attention to the ministry’s highest official, the permanent secretary, as…
You might have noticed that when it comes to media coverage of rampant development, Gozo has been getting a disproportional…
Seventy metres up the road from a block of flats that belong to Joseph Portelli and associates and that is…
The Planning Authority granted permit for an imposing block of flats after it cut short consultation with the Superintendence of…
The land grab in Gozo that has caused agony and fury to hundreds of residents and farmers, and led to…
As Malta became the first country in Europe to legalise cannabis last week, and Luxembourg is set to follow in…
If you are poor in Malta you get to eat much spaghetti. Almost a kilo a month to be exact…
Half of a house that has been described as “so pristine that it could serve as a museum of typical…